Welcome to Sudarshanaloka

Land of beautiful vision

Sudarshanaloka is a Buddhist retreat centre near Thames, New Zealand. Our aim is to provide the conditions for people to deepen their spiritual practice. We run meditation retreats, offer isolated cabins for solitary retreats, and host community events.

Sudarshanaloka Dharma Workshop and AGM

Starts: 4 Aug 2024

This event starts with a study workshop led by Purna on Sangharakshita's Bodhisattva precepts, delving into a selection of them and exploring how we…

Men's Order Nissaya retreat

Starts: 17 Aug 2024

For men ordained within the last five years The Nissaya period is the first five years of your Order life. At ordination, we take up new practises, a…

Women's Ordination training event

Starts: 30 Aug 2024

This retreat is by invitation only and led by a team of senior members of the Triratna Buddhist Order for women who are training for ordination in…

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