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Sudarshanaloka shrine

Sudarshanaloka (Land of Beautiful Vision) is a symbolic jewel in the hearts of many people, a place to stand, of belonging (Tūrangawaewae) - a place of spiritual significance in addition to the simple natural beauty of the land, rivers and hills.

Situated on 80 hectares of regenerating bush at the heart of theTararu valley, we have developed an off-grid eco facility supporting residential retreats, solitary retreats and a Triratna community with facilities available to all who wish to go for refuge to the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha - or simply follow the path that falls at their feet.

Dana, or generosity Sudarshanaloka is currently run by volunteers. Although we charge for solitary and group retreats this doesn’t cover all of our running costs so that your generosity enables the opportunity for all those who use our facilities. Our retreat centre relies on the generosity of individual donations to operate. Your support is greatly appreciated in helping to maintain and develop this valuable spiritual resource for the benefit of all beings.

Monthly standing donations (MSD’s) are very helpful and contribute greatly to the day-to day running of Sudarshanaloka, as do donations, material items, volunteer time helping out and an array of useful skills associated with running a place like this. But most of all your enthusiasm, love of Sudarshanaloka, the Dharma and appreciation of the beauty of the Tararu valley is what builds our resource base. On the bottom line people are the crucible from which the merit of our aspiration flows.

Our bank details are:

Account name: Sudarshanaloka Trust
Account number: 38-9026-0080062-000

If donating from overseas you will need the following information:

Organisation name and full address:
Sudarshanaloka Retreat Centre
125 Victoria Street, Whakatete Bay, Thames 3575

Bank name and full address:
Kiwibank Limited
Level 9, 20 Customhouse Quay
Wellington, 6011, New Zealand

Bank account name and number:
Account name: Sudarshanaloka Trust
Account number: 38-9026-0080062-000

In some countries, the first six digits of our account number (389026) are referred to as the BSB number, sorting or routing code. If you are asked for our International Bank Account Number (IBAN), please use our entire account number. Please visit Kiwibank on what we need to provide to people who are sending us money from overseas or your own bank's website to find out more information on sending money overseas.

Please use one of the following as the reference so we know where to direct your donation:

"Dana" for unrestricted donations

"MSD" for regular monthly donations
(email to arrange an annual receipt)

All donations to the centre are tax deductible. Our Charities Commission registration number is CC10449. Email us if you'd like a tax receipt at the end of the financial year (available for donations of over $5).


We do require specific items from time to time.

Currently we require the following items:

Filing cabinet
2 adjustable office chairs
Small sofa
Outdoor chairs for a deck
Good desktop computer
Functional printer
Small lawn mower (motor)

Contact us at if you can help.

Visit Sudarshanaloka
You are very welcome to come and visit but best to contact us first at, or by calling 027 417 1854 to arrange.

Please check the events page to see if there is a retreat or event you would like to attend. Or simply feel free to come and visit the stupa, as long as Sudarshanaloka is not closed for retreat. Check here or contact us before you come.

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