
I've been actively involved with the Triratna Buddhist community since 1992 while still at University. As with many other people, my personal journey has it's sign posts of significant people, significant books, turning points, deeper realizations, and extra-ordinary but none-the-less ordinary experiences. This whole wonderful rabbit hole of a journey began at Aryaloka Retreat Centre in New Hampshire USA, followed by Cambridge England where I was ordained at Guhyaloka in 1999, then to the other side of this beautiful planet and Sydney Australia, and most recently Auckland New Zealand.
These days I contribute by leading courses, classes and retreats at the Auckland Buddhist Centre, collaborating with others to develop retreat facilities in New Zealand, and being part of a local and international team responsible for the men's ordination training process and Triratna internationally.
I live with my partner in Grey Lynn, drive a silver blue 2006 Toyota Corolla (not flash but it keeps turning on without costing lots of money), and I still follow American football.