
Sthiraratna ('steer-a-rat-na') is the Auckland Buddhist Centre Manager and has been involved in the Triratna movement since around 2010, in both Auckland and Wellington. He was ordained in March 2023. Sthiraratna has supported a number of meditation and Buddhism courses, as well as giving talks on subjects ranging from “Conditioned Co-Production” to “Ethics in the Corporate World”. He is a member of the Sangha Night and Puja teams and shares the leading of Saturday Morning meditation and the Buddhist Recovery Network. Sthiraratna is an enthusiastic supporter of the Sudarshanaloka Retreat Centre in Thames, where he enjoys spending time on retreats and on solitary in the beautiful surroundings of the native forest at the base of the Coromandel Ranges. Sthiraratna lives in the Sanghadipa community house in Pt Chevalier. The image shown here was a gift from a recent visitor.