Dharma Bums on the Road.

Starts 22 Jul 2017

Dharma Bums on the Road

In 2016 Thames mitras Steve Howe & Lisa Kelly made an epic, trans-continental journey to meet the wider Triratna sangha. Spanning the diverse terrains of Japan, Spain, France, Belgium, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, India, California and Hawai'i over 6 months, it was a rich and inspiring voyage.

Join Steve, Lisa and the Aotearoa sangha jewel for a shared evening meal, travel snaps and storytelling at Sudarshanaloka on the weekend of the Sudarshanaloka Trust AGM.

An Indian-themed dinner and the talk will be offered for the suggested dana of $25 per head.

All funds raised will be donated to the capital works fund, to support the repair and maintenance of our beloved Sudarshanaloka's own Dharma Rd.

Come for the evening &/or stay the night. A limited number of beds are available - with initial priority going to Trust members attending the AGM. All Trust members are asked to please express your intention to stay overnight by June 25th (email admin@sudarshanaloka.nz). After this date overnight bookings will be opened up to the wider sangha.

In order to manage the Indian meal catering, we are also asking for RSVP by July 15 from people intending to come for the event but not stay overnight.

We look forward to sharing our journey with you.

Steve & Lisa xx

where: Sudarshanaloka Retreat Centre
when: Saturday 22nd July
what time: Arrival from 4pm for 6pm dinner and 7:30pm talk start
dana/koha : $25 or thereabouts
Overnight & Event RSVP by June 25th to admin@sudarshanaloka.nz
Event Only RSVP by July 15 to admin@sudarshanaloka.nz


Start: 22 Jul 2017 at 4:00pm
Finish: 22 Jul 2017 at 9:00pm

Cost: Suggested Dana $25

Led by


Gambhirachitta first visited the Land of Beautiful Vision in 2012, fell in love and relocated to Thames, but has recently moved back to Australia. …

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