Dusting The Mirror of the Heart

Starts 18 Jan 2019


A Yoga & Buddhism Retreat

As Yoga spread from its Indian roots to the Western world more of an emphasis was placed on its physical methods rather than it’s more sacred and spiritual aspects. But in recent history this approach has changed. The heart, the seat of our compassion, has been rekindled. From the glorious physical practice that yoga surely is, the deeper dimensions have now been restored. Similarly Buddhist practitioners have tended to narrow their focus, working more with meditation practices alone with an attitude developing that the body was a hindrance. However there has been a shift here also. The American Buddhist scholar Reginald Ray reached a point in his spiritual career where approaching meditation as purely a mental and emotional practice reached its limits. He came to understand that meditating through the body and working deeply with it's subtle energy systems was a more direct way to insight and greater awakening.

On this retreat we will practice a combination of complimentary Yoga and Buddhist practices – meditation, asana, pranayama, ritual and devotion. Some yoga and/or meditation experience is preferred.

This retreat is for Yogis wanting to learn more Buddhist practices and for Buddhist practitioners wanting to deepen their understanding of Yoga. It is also for people already practicing both who want to explore each in more depth to further their own unique expressions. There will be free time to enjoy the native bush, lovely swimming holes and plenty of rest in the spacious, summer programme.

There is also the option to come for the weekend only from 6pm Friday 18 January - 3pm Sunday 20 January and a non-residential day rate is available for locals.

Please indicate in your registration which option you are choosing.


Start: 18 Jan 2019 at 6:00pm
Finish: 25 Jan 2019 at 12:00pm

Cost: $530 Waged / $470 Low income for full 7 days , , $260 Waged / $210 Low income for weekend option , , $55 per day non-residential option for Thames locals - lunch included

Led by


Maitrikirti lives in Thames and was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2019. She helps out with management of the Sudarshanaloka Retreat…


Viprasanna discovered Yoga at the age of 28 and Buddhism a few years later. He was ordained in the UK 1993 and qualified as a yoga teacher in 1999.…

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