Hunt for the Winter People ... (continued)

Starts 24 Aug 2018

After a successful inaugural retreat last year, the 'Hunt for the Winter People' continues this winter.

Led by and for mitras in the Triratna Buddhist Community, the focus will again be on shared self-organising practice, heartwarming kai and cosy fireside nights.

Suggested activities so far include learning and practicing kai karakia, learning the Dharmapalam gatha together and chanting it in our rituals, as well as a deep winter themed collaborative puja. With plenty of free time for resting & reading, walking the land, visiting the stupa and gazing out over the moana.

Come & join us and help keep the mythic heart of Sudarshanaloka warm over the winter.

Led by the Thames mitra sangha.

Enquiries please contact Lisa Kelly - 022 622 3855


Start: 24 Aug 2018 at 6:00pm
Finish: 27 Aug 2018 at 3:00pm

Cost: $315 ($265 concessions)

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"Mitra" is a Sanskrit word which simply means ‘friend’. A Mitra is a person who has deepened their friendship with the Triratna…

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