Like a river that flows unceasingly

Starts 29 Sep 2023

Like a river that flows unceasingly

Meditation intensive retreat

Join Khemayogini and Moksavajra in a meditation intensive retreat for ten days in the beautiful surroundings of Sudarshanaloka and its valley. This is an opportunity to increase our confidence and stability in meditation, and to enquire into the nature of our minds.

In the course of this retreat, we will engage in the three core meditation practices of Triratna: mindfulness of breathing, kindness meditation (metta bhavana), and "just sitting", so some experience of the first two would be helpful, but not essential. We will also do some walking meditation, weather permitting.

After an introductory talk, we will focus on meditation practice, so there won't be any discussion groups. There will, however, be meditation reviews with the retreat leaders, so that you can reflect on how you are going with someone experienced. We will increase the amount of meditation gradually to match people's capacities, and have a fair amount of silence, including a core period in the middle of the retreat of silence throughout the day and night.

Most of all, we would like you to feel at home on retreat with like minded people, so that you can look into the nature of your experience in a way that is not usually possible in your daily life.

7pm Friday 29 Sept - 11am Sunday 8 Oct


Start: 29 Sep 2023 at 7:00pm
Finish: 8 Oct 2023 at 11:00am

Cost: 10 day option: $790 / $710, , Youth Special: $540 (10 days) or $840 (14 days) for those under 35 who are willing to camp (you'll need to bring your own camping gear), , We ask you to help care for others on retreat in these times of Covid. Read about what that means here.

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Khemayogini realised she was a Buddhist on reading Sangharakshita's The Three Jewels in 1985. She was part of the Sydney Buddhist Centre sangha for…


Moksavajra has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Community for 30 years and an Order Member for 14. He has a particular interest in working from…

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