Music and meditation retreat

Starts 8 Feb 2019


Exploring sound through voices and instruments supported by daily meditation

On this weekend, we will utilise the ideal conditions of a wonderful retreat centre to explore sound through voices and instruments in the context of improvising around mantras and other musical genres.

Our efforts will be supported by daily meditation and light yoga. Some instruments will be provided but do bring any you have.

Non-musicians are especially welcome.

This retreat will be led by Viprasanna a Triratna Order member, yoga teacher and musician based in the UK. Viprasanna visits New Zealand every 2 or 3 years inspired by the vision of Sudarshanaloka.


Start: 8 Feb 2019 at 7:00pm
Finish: 10 Feb 2019 at 3:00pm

Cost: $260 - full , $210 - low income , Please contact the Auckland Buddhist Centre if finances are an issue for you.

Led by


Viprasanna discovered Yoga at the age of 28 and Buddhism a few years later. He was ordained in the UK 1993 and qualified as a yoga teacher in 1999.…

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