National young person's retreat

Starts 2 Jan 2024

Black rocks waterfall

Reflect, refresh, reimagine

We look forward to welcoming young people (ages 18 to 35) from Wellington, Auckland, Thames and elsewhere to share time together in the Triratna movement's beautiful, remote and rugged retreat centre, Sudarshanaloka, "Land of Beautiful Vision", near Thames, at the base of the Coromandel Peninsula

In connecting with both nature and others who gather for this five day event, we hope that retreatants will develop more of a sense of the interconnectedness of all things, and approaches to "getting ourselves out of the way" of development, spiritual or otherwise, that could take place but for our over-identified egos. In other words, less self / more other.

Paradoxically this approach increases one's contentment and connection with whatever transcends the working ground we find ourselves in.

In this retreat, you should expect meditation, dharma talks and discussion, puja, outdoor rituals, hiking in the forest and hills, swimming in the waterholes of two rivers that border the land, along with new experiences, ideas, and friends. In other words, opportunities to consider new beginnings, refreshing and reimagining our lives, our places in the world, in the context of others of a similar age and with a similar yearning.

To attend this retreat, you should already be connected with Triratna through the Auckland, Wellington or Thames Buddhist Centre, and have some experience of our meditation techniques.


Start: 2 Jan 2024 at 6:00pm
Finish: 7 Jan 2024 at 12:00pm

Cost: All prices include the cost of food that you will prepare in small teams., , House (16 max - shared rooms) - $425 waged / $385 low or unwaged, Camping Bring your own tent - $300 waged / $200 unwaged, , If finances prohibit your attending, please email info@aucklandbuddhistcentre explaining your circumstances. Between Sudarshanaloka, and the three centres, we may be able to help.

Led by

Order Members and Mitras

Triratna Order Members are members of our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…


Dhiraprabha was based for 25 years in London before coming to NZ. She retired in 2019 from a long career as a primary school teacher specialising in…


Darshanasiddhi has been involved with the Triratna Buddhist Community in Thames for many years, actively contributing to the health and wellbeing of…

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