The dark side of the mirror

Starts 7 Feb 2024

moon and man

This study retreat, led by Moksavajra, is for Triratna Order members only.

'Though one may deeply understand the forms of body and mind, though one may deeply understand what body and mind are saying, still this is not like a reflection in a mirror, nor like the moon in water, which is only realized on one side when the other side is dark.' (Verse 12 from 'Genjo Koan')

Join us for a closer look at Dogen's mysterious and beautiful Genjo Koan, a verse 'letter' originally written to a lay follower in 1233. In this work Dogen sets out a kind of manifesto in his own very idiosyncratic style of an approach to practice emphasising seeing into self delusions, and according to the natural rhythm of things in a spirit of humility.

Please contact Akasasri (on behalf of NZ Order Convening kula) for further information.


Start: 7 Feb 2024 at 6:00pm
Finish: 10 Feb 2024 at 12:00pm

Cost: by prior arrangement with those attending

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Moksavajra has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Community for 30 years and an Order Member for 14. He has a particular interest in working from…

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