Women's training for Ordination retreat

Starts 1 Apr 2017

by invitation only

The Triratna Buddhist Order and Community is a worldwide movement of people who try to engage with the Buddha’s teachings in the conditions of the modern world. Neither monastic nor lay, we are simply Buddhists, at varying stages of commitment and understanding, adopting to the best of our ability in our lives the ethical standards of the Dharma.

Triratna is a Sanskrit term meaning ‘Three Jewels’: the Buddha, Dharma (his teachings) and Sangha (the community of all those who follow the teachings). The founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community and Order, Sangharakshita, considers the defining act of a Buddhist to be Going for Refuge to these Three Jewels. This is the central principle or orientation of the Triratna Buddhist Community and everything we do. At our Buddhist Centres we teach meditation, study the Buddha’s teaching together, engage with the Arts, support each other through life, and engage in our local communities. We also promote projects in which Buddhists can live and work together, and explore how to turn our work into a spiritual practice.

If you want more information about the Triratna Buddhist Movement and our activities in New Zealand, please contact one of our centres.

Please note: although the dates below are accurate, the times are subject to change and should not be used. Please contact the women's ordination training kula for the exact times of this retreat's beginning and ending.


Start: 1 Apr 2017 at 6:00pm
Finish: 9 Apr 2017 at 2:00pm

Cost: to be confirmed by the women's ordination training kula

Led by

Triratna Order Member

Triratna Order Members are people within our spiritual community who have made a commitment, known traditionally as Going for Refuge, to keeping the…

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