The Hearts Longing for Freedom: A residential Weekend Retreat

Starts 28 Feb 2025

Discovering meaning with a community of practicing Buddhists

Many of us have realised a need to seek something deeper in this life, sensing that there is a greater meaning and wholeness available to us. At Sudarshanaloka, and other Triratna Buddhist centres worldwide, we embark on this search with the companionship of a whole community of fellow seekers, and with the guiding framework of the time-tested teachings of the Buddha. We reckon it works pretty well.

On this weekend retreat, we will be exploring what it really means to ‘Go for Refuge’- to take on the support and guidance of Buddhist ideals, teachings and practitioners as we walk that challenging road to wholeness - to freedom.

The programme, perfect for those new to Triratna or interested in deepening their sense of it, will include teachings, discussions, meditation and communal rituals and activities. There will also be time to contemplate and commune in our exquisite native surroundings. Refreshing river pools beckon!


Start: 28 Feb 2025 at 6:30pm
Finish: 2 Mar 2025 at 2:00pm

Cost: $180 Note if bookings for this event are closed please get in touch via to see if there's still space available

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Guhyavajra is a New Zealander who came in contact with Triratna in 1978 through the Auckland Sangha - meeting Bhante in Christchurch a year later and…


Dhiraprabha was based for 25 years in London before coming to NZ. She retired in 2019 from a long career as a primary school teacher specialising in…

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