Anapanasati Meditation Retreat

Starts 26 Jan 2024

Buddha cloth

Awareness is revolutionary - peace is a fire

During this meditation retreat, we train in breathing with mindfulness according to the Ᾱnāpānasati Sutta from the Majjhima Nikaya of the Pali Canon; the Buddha's principal discourse on mindfulness meditation.

The Ᾱnāpānasati system works with a deepening awareness of the senses in the context of body, feeling and mind; viewed from different perspectives of mindfulness that we practice and explore in meditation – and silence.

The Buddha says of this training:
Friends, this is the direct path for the purification of beings, for the surmounting of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of dukkha and discontent, for the acquiring of the true method, for the realisation of nibbāna.

Meditation arises from the need to engage more deeply with our experience and to understand the nature of that experience. With Ᾱnāpānasati we are embarking upon a whole process of spiritual development and integration that in the end, although not always pleasant or easy, is ultimately the only thing that is satisfying.

The Ᾱnāpānasati meditation practice is woven into a system of practice which, when developed and cultivated, is of great fruit and great benefit.

There have been two booking options for this retreat, Anniversary weekend only or stay on for another four nights. See cost section below for what is now available.

Strictly no mobile phones or internet access permitted on retreat.


Start: 26 Jan 2024 at 6:00pm
Finish: 4 Feb 2024 at 12:00pm

Cost: Full retreat option - Jan 26 to Feb 4 - $730 (full) / $680 (low), Youth Special: $540 for those under 35 who are willing to camp (you'll need to bring your own camping gear), , Anniversary weekend option - Jan 26 to Jan 29 - $330 (full) / $290 (low), Youth Special: $180 for those under 35 who are willing to camp (you'll need to bring your own camping gear), , Please don't let money be a barrier - contact us for options

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Photo of Guhyavajra


Guhyavajra is a New Zealander who came in contact with Triratna in 1978 through the Auckland Sangha - meeting Bhante in Christchurch the same year.…

Photo of Karunajoti


Karunajoti’s first introduction to Buddhism was through a meditation class at the Auckland Buddhist Centre in 1999. This led to a strong desire to…

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