Rings of a tree trunk with a green frond towards the heart of the rings

Entering into simplicity

Starts: 27 Sep 2024

A retreat for newcomers

boots and gloves

Work retreat at Sudarshanaloka

Starts: 4 Oct 2024

Merge your practical skills with your spiritual path. From 4-13 October the Sudarshanaloka community will be working on various projects on the land…

Rvy Waterfall March 2012

Auckland Sangha long weekend retreat

Starts: 25 Oct 2024

Exploring the "three lakshanas" with the Sangha Night team

Stupa and stars

The Heart treasure of the Enlightened Ones - Order Sadhana retreat

Starts: 9 Nov 2024

For Triratna Order members only. On this retreat we will be exploring how we visualise and the context of everyday life as an expression of sadhana.…

Mandala of the Firth

Five Jina New Year retreat

Starts: 27 Dec 2024

The Archetypal Buddhas descend on Sudarshanaloka

YP retreat

Indra's net: Creative connection with the sangha

Starts: 3 Jan 2025

National under-35s retreat All beings, great and small, exist in a web of interconnection. This being, that becomes. This fundamental insight is at…

Sthiraratna's shrine

Metta retreat

Starts: 11 Jan 2025

The defining characteristic of skilful action, speech, or thought is its freedom from narrow self-interest. A retreat based on the Karinaya metta…


Work retreat at Sudarshanaloka

Starts: 4 Apr 2025

Merge your practical skills with your spiritual path. From 4-13 April the Sudarshanaloka community will be working on various projects on the land…


The Triratna system of practice retreat

Starts: 17 May 2025

A men's only retreat. Regards impermanence, it is a question of realising the emotional, psychological and spiritual reality of impermanence that is…

community cabins

Work Retreat at Sudarshanaloka

Starts: 31 Oct 2025

Merge your practical skills with your spiritual path. From 31 October - 9 November the Sudarshanaloka community will be working on various projects…

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